Thursday, May 05, 2016

American Mirror - Bernie, Hillary and Trump

Well, Cruz and Kasick bowed out of the GOP primary so its just Trump now to represent the regressive, repressive fear-based side of American cultural world-views.  We still have Bernie soldiering on for the progressive vision and of course Hillary carrying the status quo banner for the powers that be (don't be fooled by the Bernie-forced rhetoric, she is Illuminati all the way.)

So now its like a perfect mirror for the culture as a whole and the individuals in it. Well done! Stark, easy choices, that’s what we like and no matter which of Hillary or Bernie moves on, the general election choice will be a no-brainer (for those that get off the couch and actually vote, that is). Problem is, a Democrat choice for status quo may not generate enough turnout to overcome the energized USA uber alles crowd, who will turnout for Trump. Will I turn out? Well if it is Trump/Bernie general election sure I will, the revolution he speaks of (and has been working on his whole life) is long overdue. Yeah, I was a Clinton cheerleader back in the 90's . Who could deny budget surpluses and that health care needed fixing? But I did not see coming the downside of de-regulation, trade deals, and jailing the underclass (Bernie did). But in hindsight, Bill just set the table for the Bush/Cheney  gravy train. Now he's in bed with Nestle, the company that believes humans don't have a right to free water.

I for one am not convinced that the corporate takeover of America (and its resulting continued decline for the 99%) will proceed any slower under a Hillary reign. The confusion and power struggles under a Trump reign would most likely result in continued gridlock (better) ; unless a Cheney-like running mate is named, one who can work the system and  soften the worries for some middle voters and alleviate the fears of power brokers(worse).  But there is this: electing such a poor excuse of a human being (bigot, pathological liar, demagogue etc. etc, etc.), will wreck the GOP for decades. They will have to redefine, perhaps giving rise to more parties. And I have a suspicion he would be more sincere about overturning Citizens United than Hillary.

In short, maybe Trump hastens the revolution more than Hillary? The GOP in recent years has given us administrations led by amiable idiots, bumbling fools, and shills for oil and war profiteering, why not top it off with Trump's cup-runneth-over blend of pathologies? Maybe 4 years looking in the Trump mirror would be good for the electorate. I KNOW the stand up comics and late night talk show hosts are salivating for 4 years of material that writes itself.

So my advice to my fellows is to make it a more perfect mirror; do what you can in the very near term to make sure its a Bernie/Trump choice rather than a Hillary/Trump choice. Ask your friends to check the reflection and decide whether or not they really believe in the idea of America at all.